Acid Reflux Strikes Again

by Matt

Since I turned 36 last year, I started having serious bouts of acid reflux. I would eat and then a few moments later, I would experience the worst heart burn you can imagine! No amount of fruit salts and Alka-Seltzer's would ease the pain. Eventually, I ended up going to a doctor and he gave me a long list of medicines. I thought hard and decided that I did not want to become dependant on medication.

I wanted natural remedies and so began my search for a solution. After lots of research, I discovered some great tips for acid reflux relief. The first one was straightforward - to eat at least three hours before hitting the sack. So were the other tips. I watched the size of my meals. I knew I needed to eat small meals frequently, rather than 3 big meals during the day. I also invested in an acid reflux pillow designed for this purpose. I must say, the purchase was money well spent. I also switched over to foods that heal the esophagus such as organic honey, marshmallow and licorice.

These easy- to- do and cheap solutions really have a lot of healing power. My diet now consists of a lot of fruits, vegetables and water. In less than three weeks, I began to see visible changes; I looked better and felt better. I lost some weight due to eating smaller meals and adding fruits and vegetables to my diet. I don't have any more intense heartburn episodes, just a mild episode every once in a while.

The wonderful thing about all this is that I dealt with my acid reflux problem. I cured it without buying even a single medicine from my doctor's prescription. This really made me feel great! After all, nature is a true healer. Problems happen only when we go against it.

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Apr 17, 2013
Generic Nexium for acid reflux NEW
by: Nexium Generic

I used to get severe pain in my stomach every time I ate spicy food. I used to feel better after drinking a glass of milk. So, I never paid much heed to it. However, after reading this article, I felt that I was doing a big mistake by ignoring this symptom. When I consulted a doctor he told me that I had a peptic ulcer and put me on Nexium Generic. Thanks for the information!

Aug 20, 2012
Acid Reflux Relief NEW
by: Acid Reflux Diet

I have acid reflux and I changed the way I eat food and it works really well to alleviate the symptoms.

Aug 20, 2012
Acid Reflux Relief NEW
by: Acid Reflux Diet

I have acid reflux and I changed the way I eat food and it works really well to alleviate the symptoms.

Sep 12, 2011
Acid Reflux Symptoms
by: Tai

Glad to see that you have found a solution to your acid reflux problem. I also happen to experience the same pain in past years. Gone to the doctors for check-ups and medications can be very expensive.

One friend of mine suggested to do a little bit of research about acid reflux symptoms so I can correct my lifestyle/habits to alleviate the problems or get rid of it. In fact, it works quite well, especially when you watch out and stop foods or habits that can really cause acid reflux.

As they always say, prevention is better than cure since the problem will return if you eat or do things to make it act up again.


Jun 08, 2011
by: Acid Reflux

Acid Reflux occurs when the tube that one use to intake the food from the throat to stomach is not strong enough to hold the acid. The food taken by one gets digested by the stomach with the help of an acid produced and stored by it. The stomach walls are built strong enough to store that acid without causing damage.
Acids Reflux

Jun 28, 2010
Overcoming Acid Reflux
by: Jeri

It was great to find someone that was able to cure their acid reflux by eating at a certain time before bed and also to notice what you ate that could cause this.
Also the benefit of losing weight and feeling and looking better caught my attention too.
Did you notice if any certain fruits or vegetables botherer you? Just wondering.
Thanks for the great info.

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